Thursday, May 14, 2015

CHARIS LIM: 3rd Prize

ENKOR Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion Competition 2015
CHARIS LIM Singapore | Age 11 | Flute

Third Prize | Category A
Score: 81.20
Rules: lowest possible scores: 60 points | highest possible scores: 100 points

Teacher: Larisa Tupitsina

Artistic biography
Charis has participated in various international competitions in Greece, Japan, U.S.A, Gernany as well as London. She has won several international awards since she started playing the flute when she was 6 years old. She was invited to perform at her school (St. Margaret's Primary School)'s 170th anniversary celebrations held at the Marina Mandarin Hotel where the President of Singapore, Dr Tony Tan, was the guest of honour.