Ethan Yoshioka, 15 years old, has studied piano for eleven years and has participated in many regional, state, and international piano competitions.
First place was awarded to Ethan from the Southern California Junior Bach Festivals, CAPMT honors and concerto competitions and MTAC VOCE. He has also received awards from the International Liszt Competition, Mozart Festival, MTAC Concerto competition, Los Angeles Bach festival Concerto Competition, and the Bellflower Symphony Concerto Competition.
Ethan had the privilege of performing at the following venues: Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria; Villa Kokkonen Concert Hall in Helsinki, Finland; White Hall of the House of the Black Heads in Tallinn, Estonia; and Union of the Composers' Concert Hall in St. Petersburg, Russia.
For the past seven years, Ethan has attended summer programs including the International Institute for Young Musicians (IIYM) at the Univeristy of Kansas, Beethoven Summer Festival at the Colburn Academy, and the John Perry Music Institute Summer Festival (SoCalMI).
Ethan is currently a student of Dr. Felix Tao Chang. He's also been a student of Dr. Scott McBride Smith and Aleli Tibay.