Joy Xu is nine years old and is a fourth-grade student at Saugatuck Elementary School in Westport, CT, USA. Joy began her piano study at the age of four under Ms. Kumiko Imamura at the Suzuki Music School of Westport. Joy was a three-time winner at the piano competitions sponsored by the Connecticut State Music Teachers Association Fairfield Chapter. At the age of seven, she was selected to perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York City as a winner of the Fourth Olympic Challenge Competition in 2013. As a two-time winner of National Young Musicians Showcase Competition sponsored by National League of Performing Arts, she performed at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall twice again in 2014 and 2015. Joy was invited by the Colorado Suzuki Institute to perform at its national Honors Solo Recital at the Vila Performing Arts Center in Beaver Creek, CO in June 2013. Most recently, Joy was selected by the Suzuki Music School of Westport to perform Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 23 with a local orchestra. In addition to piano, Joy also is a cellist and an active member of her school orchestra and choral group.