Friday, March 31, 2017

Arjun Chhabra | 1st Prize | Voice 2nd Edition | ENKOR Int'l Music Competition

Arjun Chhabra
Score: 89.29

Arjun Chhabra, 13, resides in Singapore.

In addition to giving a number of recitals, he is a soprano in his school choir, Raffles Voices. Arjun is also a member of the Singapore Symphony Children's Concert Choir.
Arjun achievements include:

1. Silver Trophy Award for Classical Voice - Asia Arts Festival [August 2015 & 2016]
2. First Prize Winner - E-muse International Music Competition [April 2016]
3. Distinction for LCM Grade 7 classical voice examination [April 2016]
4. Platinum Award – 6th Singapore Performers' Festival & Chamber Music Competition [June 2016]
5. Semi-Finalist – Young Talents Project 2016, Singapore
6. First Prize Winner – The Art of Art Song, GCC Series 2016
7. First Prize Winner – The Art of Opera, GCC Series 2016
8. First Prize Winner – Grand Prize Virtuoso Vocal Competition [December 2016]
9. First Prize Winner – Best Mozart Performance, GCC Series [Jan 2017]
10.First Prize Winner – Best Schubert Performance, GCC Series [Jan 2017]

He has a deep appreciation for classical singing, and enjoys singing in several languages especially Italian and German.

1. Name of Piece: Sandmaanchen
Composer: Brahms
Duration: 2.33

2. Name of Piece: Voi, che sapete
Composer: Mozart
Duration: 2:12