Fifteen-year-old Jasper Heymann from New York City is a multi-award winning pianist who began his piano studies at the age of five. Jasper was recently chosen as a finalist for National Public Radio’s ""From the Top"" classical radio program and was selected to study with Dina Yoffe at the Musical Summer Malaga International Festival. Jasper has been a laureate in more than fifteen domestic and international piano competitions, with more than twenty featured competition and gala performances at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall. Among his accomplishments are top prizes in AADGT’s International Young Gifted Musician’s Competition, American Protégé International Piano Competition, American Fine Arts Festival, Bradshaw & Buono International Competition, and Golden Key Music Festival; participation in the Schlern Music Festival, scholarships to the Vianden International Music Festival in Luxembourg and the Alexander & Buono festival in New York; masterclasses with Eduardo Delgado and Mikhail Voskresensky; and, performances with chamber ensembles in Europe and the United States. New York Concert Review in its recent review of Jasper’s benefit concert for MusiCorps extolled Jasper’s “astounding lyricism,” and “deep emotional bond with the music.” Jasper studies piano with Elena Rossman.
Partita No. 2 in C Minor, Sinfonia, J.S. Bach, 4.58'
Piano Sonata No. 17, Op. 31 No. 2 (""Tempest""), Mvt. III, L.V. Beethoven, 5.03'
Etude, Opus 25 No. 12 in C Minor (""Ocean""), F. Chopin, 2.31'