Nicholas Padmanabhan, classical guitar
Score: 87.50
Guitarist Nicholas Padmanabhan is a winner in the National YoungArts Foundation competition in both 2017 and 2018. He appeared in 2015 on “From The Top” on National Public Radio with his guitar quartet, recorded before a live audience in San Francisco and broadcast nationally. Nicholas was the first-place winner in the Sierra Nevada Guitar Competition in both 2016 and 2014 and also took first place in the California statewide guitar competition of the 2016 American String Teachers Association. He was runner-up in the 2017 Mondavi Center Young Artists Competition, where he was also awarded the Bouchaine Young Artists Award for Festival Napa Valley. He won second prize in the 2017 Enkor International Music Competition and twice took first place in the Menuhin-Dowling Young Musicians Competition. Selected by audition, Nicholas has performed in the San Francisco Bay Area’s Junior Bach Festival for six consecutive years since 2012. He has opened for Pepe Romero at San Francisco Performances and for David Leisner at the South Bay Guitar Society. Nicholas has performed at the Sacramento Guitar Society, at the University of Hawaii Maui College, at the Bear Valley Music Festival in Bear Valley, Calif., and on public radio KPFA in the San Francisco Bay Area. He regularly performs as a volunteer at a local assisted-living center. Nicholas has played in masterclasses for Sergio Assad, Manuel Barrueco, Marcin Dylla, and Jason Vieaux, among others. Nicholas is a student of Scott Cmiel at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s Pre-College Division, where he also studies music theory, vocal ensemble, and chamber music in a guitar quartet. His first teacher was Jon Mendle. Nicholas plays a guitar built by Glenn Canin in 2013.
Prelude from Lute Suite BWV 995, J.S. Bach, 5:36
Standchen from Schwanengesang D.957, F. Schubert/arr. J.K. Mertz, 3:47
Three Pieces for Guitar, Carlos Chavez, 6:59