The JAMM Piano Quartet
Molly Chen, Age 10, piano
Julian Vari, Age 9, piano
Alex Kosorukov, Age 9, piano
Max Kosorukov, Age 12, piano
Score: 80.74
The JAMM Piano Quartet features Molly Chen (10), Julian Vari (9), Alex Kosorukov (9) and Max Kosorukov (12). They are students of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (SFCM), Pre-College Division. Formed in fall 2017, the JAMM Quartet has been rehearsing weekly under Meikui Matsushima’s coaching. This performance is a part of the 2017 Pre-College Holiday Showcase Concert at the SFCM.
Symphony No. 100 in G Major for two pianos, eight hands (Mov. III. Menuetto), Haydn, 3:50