Saturday, May 25, 2019

Naomi Sun | 3rd Prize | Winds & Percussion | 5th Edition | ENKOR Int'l Music Competition

Naomi loves music. She plays percussion at school symphonic band and has won top prizes of percussion competitions including 2017 United States International Music Competition Special Theme ( Bach ) First Prize. She also plays marimba duet with her sister at Junior Bach Festival. (2017 & 2019). Naomi is also a harpist. She is the Principal Harp of Golden State Youth Orchestra and San Jose Youth Symphony.

PARTITA: D Minor (S1004) Sarabanda - Giga, Johann Sebastian Bach, 5:00

Concerto for Marimba 1st movement, Ney Rosauro, 3:40

Tambourin Paraphrase, Keiko Abe, 4:40