Jonathan Ma, a 16 year-old sophomore at Skyline High School, studies piano with Dr. Ning and Jie Lu. Throughout the years, he has performed in many public recitals and participated in competitions. Some of his recent achievements include: 2nd place in 2018 American Protégé Piano and String International Competition, 2nd prize in 2017 America Fine Arts Festival Concerto Competition; 3rd Prize in 2017 New York Young Debut Musicians Competition; 3rd prize in Helen Taylor Johannsen International Piano Competition; 2nd place in 2017 UMTA Piano Concerto Competition; 2nd prize in 2017 University of Utah Summer Arts Piano Competition in both Concerto and Solo; 2nd prize in Utah Valley University Piano Competition 2015. He was also a finalist for the Los Angeles Young Musician International Piano Competition 2016. Making his first orchestra debut at age 10, Jonathan has performed with Salt Lake City Symphony and American West Symphony. Besides playing the piano, Jonathan is an avid reader and enjoys video games and swimming.
1. Piano Sonata in B Major, Op. 147, Franz Schubert, Duration: 5:49
2. Piano Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57, Ludwig van Beethoven, Duration: 10:32
3. Etude Op. 25, No. 12 in C minor, Frederic Chopin, Duration: 2:37