Emilia Diaz Delgado is an 11-year-old guitarist, birder, and aspiring party entertainer, also talented at writing, crafts, imagination, and losing solitaire.
She has had the honor of studying at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Pre-College with Scott Cmiel, where she has performed in various recitals. She has also played with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Sonora in Mexico, and in fundraising and community concerts.
She has had masterclasses with Manuel Barrueco, Larry Ferrara, Julian Gray, Smaro Gregoriadou, David Leisner, Joao Luiz, Michael Newman, Laura Oltman, Judicael Perroy, Richard Savino, Christopher Stell, Meng Su, David Tanenbaum, Marc Teicholz, Ben Verdery, and Jason Vieaux.
She won first place in the Novice division of the California American String Teachers Association Solo Guitar competition, and was featured in the NPR From The Top episode number 388, as well as in three FTT Daily Joy features and a performance with other guitar alumni.
She enjoys staring off into space at the most inconvenient times (like algebra class) and Harry Potter (she is working on a movie/musical adaptation of the book series.) Before the California fires started, she played on her front porch once in a while, in firm belief that the birds sang along with me. She also enjoys interacting with all nature (not counting the Komodo dragons, of course.) She loves having fun, playing games with her grandparents and (in case you hadn’t figured this bit out) making jokes. She is currently learning how to use a camera without showing her thumb.
Usher Waltz, Nikita Koshkin, 6' 10""