Beethoven, Romance in F Major; Bohm, Introduction and Polonaise
Calliope Smith (10) studies violin at the San Francisco Conservatory Pre-College Academy with Natasha Makhijani. She attends Synapse School in California and is a member of the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra (“PACO”). Calliope has been a winner of the PACO Concerto Opportunity for three years in a row and will be soloing with the orchestra this Spring. She recently performed at Weill Hall and will be returning to Carnegie several times this year. Her awards include first prize in the Vivo Competition; the Great Composers Competition Rising Talents of the Americas, Bartók, Beethoven, Haydn, Vivaldi and Music of the Seventeenth Century Competitions; and the King’s Peak Music Competition. She also received the Judges’ Distinction Award in the American Protégé Piano and Strings Competition, first place in the Crescendo International and Little Mozart Competitions, second prize in the New York International Artists’ Association Praelusio Competition and the Odin Competition, and third prize in the International Arthur Grumiaux Competition in Belgium. She will be participating in Heifetz Junior this coming summer, as she did last year.